Instagram Live Sale


Our popular Lives are a fun way to get a first look at our brand new stock, learn all about healing properties of our crystals, see and purchase items in real time, have your questions answered, and connect with us and the TNC Community on a personal level... all within the comfort of your own home.

True North Crystal hosts Live Sale on Instagram every Tuesday and Friday at 7pm EST.

During Live Sale, each piece of crystal is shown with the price.  All crystals are labelled with a number (which is the price) and a letter. To claim an item, comment TNC + price + letter.  For example, if the label on a crystal says 15B, then the price is $15, and you would type TNC 15B to claim that particular piece.

How to Access the Live Sale:

  • Open the INSTGRAM app on your phone or tablet during our Live Sale hours, and navigate to our Profile @truenorthcrystal
  • Tap on our True North Crystal Logo (profile pic) and the Live Sale will open automatically

The first person to comment correctly claiming the crystal on the True North Crystal’s screen will be the “winner”. Please note that your Instagram will most likely always show your comment as first on your screen.

Invoices are sent every Saturday combining Tuesday and Friday’s adoptions. Invoices are due within 48 hours. Failure to pay may result in you being blocked and/or claims not being accepted in the future.

You must be 16 years of age to participate in True North Crystal’s Live Sale.